VSL Sports
Oct 14th, 2019
VSL Sports is the sports club organized and sponsored by our parish. This team started several years ago under Fr. Cảnh's leadership as an initiative to help bring our youths together. Anh Nguyễn Đức helped grow the team and is currently the team leader. Our mission is to create a fun environment in which youths can participate in a variety of sports activities such as basketball, volleyball, and badminton.
All of our events are held in the gym of our church on most weekday evenings and weekends. Please see the parish facility schedule for details.
From the onset of this program, we are proud to have many talents in our parish help coach the youngsters, not only to help them be more active but also to facilitate growth should they wish to pursue sports in their future. Our pastor is very supportive of this group, and we encourage all parents to bring their kids to join our VSL Sports team.
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